Saturday, June 18, 2011

Insanity Day 6: Plyometric Cardio

Today the calendar looped back around and had me popping the Plyometric Cardio DVD back in. I knew what I was in for and so was better able to jump from move to move. I would love to say that it was easier this time around, but it wasn't at all! That is the entire point of Insanity, it never gets easy, because instead of going at someone else's pace, you always go at your own personal best. There is always another level to reach, another plateau to break.

Yesterday the stupid tumor in my lumbar spine was aggravated and swollen, making me weak from the waist down and causing annoying pain in my lower back. I could barely sleep last night and could feel the pain threatening to break through as I warmed up for Insanity. I worked through it and just tried to maintain proper form, but when it came to the "High Knees" move my legs would not pump up and down at all. I settled for forcefully crunching each knee up to my chest one at a time, minus the little hop in between. Mountain Climbers require a similar move where you are supposed to hop from leg to leg, raising your knees to hip level each time, that my legs just wont do. Its not about being tired at all, having weakness like this almost feels like being under water at times, there is an invisible hand just holding my legs down. Instead of giving in, I pushed the entire way and did my best!

Nutrition: Last night was pizza night and I am supposed to let myself just eat without guilt that one time a week. I had 5 pieces of pizza and some cheese bread, and 2 diet 7ups. It felt so good, and I worked hard to just push the guilt away. Life is too short to never indulge!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Insanity Day 5: Pure Cardio

It's like these workouts are made for people with short attention spans! Today's workout had no breaks, just straight hardcore cardio the whole way through with a warm up and cool down. Still, the little clock at the bottom breaks all the moves into increments so you always feel like you only have 1 minute left and can really push! Today's workout flew by, and when the credits rolled I was still breathing hard and sweating.

So how have my results been so far? After 5 days of this I feel strong. It takes time to see true change, but I can feel my muscles reacting to everything I do throughout the day after being worked so hard by Insanity. Usually, when I don't hit the gym for 5 days I become a big rolly polly, but with just Insanity I've stayed in my skinny jeans all week. Now a part of that is usually I work out 4 days a week, and eat pretty clean those 4 days but binge on carbs at night. Since I've started Insanity I start every day with this workout and the nutrition plan, so it puts me in the right state of mind for the rest of the day. If I am hungry, I eat. Usually, I don't. Bad Olivia, I know. I'm a work in progress! So with Insanity encouraging me to "fuel my body" and using positive motivation, I feel strong the entire day and more motivated. Last night I had a nice glass of wine and didn't even feel my usual guilt!

Nutrition: Last night I made this amazing chimichurri salmon from Trader Joes and put it over a bed of saute'd quinoa with roasted asparagus on the side. All 4 of us were licking the plate, it was delicious and I actually felt full before I finished and gave my leftovers to Paul. I always clean my plate, and still feel hungry, but eating healthy fats and proteins (like salmon and quinoa) is more satisfying.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Insanity Days 3&4

Day 3 of Insanity was the Cardio Power and Resistance which seemed to go by a lot quicker then the plyometrics. Lots of drills used full body strength, including this weird V-push up I wasn't feeling so I figured it was better to just drop into push ups on my knees because that was the only way I could keep going the entire minute. They keep saying on the DVD to always follow proper form, even over speed. Instead of doing half-assed reps as fast as I can I am doing each rep through the full motion but without resting and really pushing. I think its working! I feel tender and sore, but strong!

Today was Day 4, Cardio Recovery. Recovery? I think not!!! Holding deep squats and lunges for 30 seconds and then pulsing sounds easy, but it just really wasn't. I don't want it to be easy, but I couldn't do this at all! I just did my best and reminded myself that if I stick with it and "Dig Deep" as Shaun T says, in 60 days I'll see improvement. Today was a lot of deep and slow movements, paired with yoga style stretching. It felt really good, but I am ready to get back into some max interval training tomorrow!

Nutrition: I've been doing super good, eating high protein and healthy carbs throughout the day. I still need to get up earlier so my first solid meal is before noon. Salmon & asparagus for dinner tonight YUM.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Insanity: Day 2- Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I decided to really just focus on Insanity for a few days and gauge my body's reaction before adding my weight routine back in. See... I can do moderation!

Today was my first real day of Insanity and I was nervous to start after all the smack everyone talked. I popped it in and got my water and towel ready. Shaun T took us through a good warm up, and then started drills. 3 minutes of drills followed by 30 second resting periods for about 22 or 23 minutes, sandwiched between some deep stretches. I needed those rest periods! I was sweating like crazy and yelling at the TV. Get it! Push! Higher! JT joined in when the push up and plank style stuff started because I can't hear them telling me what to do and it messes up my form and timing to keep trying to watch the TV. So JT got down next to me and led me through it, that's my pookie! We sweated it out side by side, and at the end instead of resting they went right into some cardio boxing, so JT and I hit it hard and finished strong! I had to wipe up the floor, but there wasn't a puddle like on the advertisements, I did pretty good actually!

Even though I kept chugging water and stretching, I kept sweating for about 15 minutes after the video finished, and in the shower I wanted the water nice and cold. It's been about an hour and I feel energized and strong. I could definitely stack some weight lifting with this, but I'll back off and wait to see how I feel in the morning!

Yoga tonight at PMAC!

NUTRITION: I am not hungry, but if I don't eat I will end up binging later. The kids and I had a banana protein almond milk shake right now at about noon. In a little bit I'm making their lunch and I'll get some egg whites and veggie sausage down. Kale salad later, then Mac N Cashew Cheese & a couple of vegan hot wings for dinner!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Insanity Day 1: Fit Test

Oh lord, I scurred of the first real day of this program tomorrow!!
I popped in the fit test and grabbed some water, there was a lot of talking and then they got into it. Shaun T tells me that instead of the usual 1 minute of high intervals and several minutes of recovery, Insanity does 3 minutes of high intensity with just 30 seconds of rest before the next block for the entire workout!!! Get it!
So the Fit Test was just doing several basic moves as many times as you can in 1 minute and writing down how many times you completed the move. You repeat this several times throughout the program to track your progress.
There is a lot of jumping, I feel like a dumb ass when I jump because I barely leave the floor, but I focused and did my best!
Fit Test 1 Results:
Switch Kicks: 50
Power Jacks: 41
Power Knees: 73
Power Jumps: 31
Globe Jumps: 11
Suicide Jumps: 14
Push Up Jacks: 17
Low Plank Oblique: 32
Shaun T tells me I did a awesome job, and I am pumped to jump in tomorrow!

Nutrition: It's noon and all I've eaten is a banana, not good at all. I really need to eat more early in the day so I don't binge at dinner!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Insanity w/Weight Lifting

Wow, I am a total quitter. Well, a bloggy quitter. In the past couple of months I've been running less but started lifting heavier weights and eating really clean. I still tend to gorge most weekends but managed to drop my body fat percentage down to 16.7% a couple of weeks ago!

Then... Mica turned 5. There was Costco pizza, cake, chips... leftovers. That was a week ago and I've gained 2"on my waist. Pretty much everything I had lost by friggin starving for 2 months was completely undone. How is that fair??

So tomorrow I am starting Insanity!!! Yes, Paul's Uncle Franky let me steal his set since he's lifting right now. I'm gonna try doing it the prescribed 6 days a week, with weights 3 days a week on top of it.
Ummm looking at this routine I am overtraining again, but I just bought a gym membership and have a workout partner who I've committed to this plan with. Insanity in the AM, quick weights with Paul in the PM MWF?

M-S Insanity!!!!

Chest: flat bench, incline bench, dumbell flys, pullovers
Shoulders: Military press, lateral raises, bent over dumbbell laterals

Tuesday PM Yoga Class

Back: Chin Ups, lateral pull downs, deadlifts, t bar rows
Triceps: Bench Dips
Incline crunches w/ medicine ball
Wednesday PM Grappling Class

Legs: Squats, calf raises, leg curl, leg extension, hip abductors

Nutrition: 5 meals a day for a total of about 2000 calories.
Day 1
1. Banana preworkout and Protein Shake mid workout
2. Egg White, veggie sausage and 1/2 whole grain thinwich
3. Greek Yogurt
4. Protein shake with almond milk
5. fist size portion whole wheat protein plus pasta & organic sauce, steamed broccoli mixed in.
Day 2
1. Banana preworkout and Protein shake mid workout
2. Egg whites & salsa on whole wheat tortilla
3. fist size serving steel cut oats with flax and cinnamon
4. Protein shake with almond milk
5. fist size serving Mac n Cashew Cheese, 2 morningstar farms "hot wings" and steamed edamame

No eating after 8
No liquor at home
Friday night pizza night and Sundays off, within reason

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I've been at Stanford having Cyberknife all week. We have been eating out and lounging. I did get a little bit of trampoline jumping and running, and one ab routine. Better then nothing! I'll get back on track Monday. It's always something!