So how have my results been so far? After 5 days of this I feel strong. It takes time to see true change, but I can feel my muscles reacting to everything I do throughout the day after being worked so hard by Insanity. Usually, when I don't hit the gym for 5 days I become a big rolly polly, but with just Insanity I've stayed in my skinny jeans all week. Now a part of that is usually I work out 4 days a week, and eat pretty clean those 4 days but binge on carbs at night. Since I've started Insanity I start every day with this workout and the nutrition plan, so it puts me in the right state of mind for the rest of the day. If I am hungry, I eat. Usually, I don't. Bad Olivia, I know. I'm a work in progress! So with Insanity encouraging me to "fuel my body" and using positive motivation, I feel strong the entire day and more motivated. Last night I had a nice glass of wine and didn't even feel my usual guilt!
Nutrition: Last night I made this amazing chimichurri salmon from Trader Joes and put it over a bed of saute'd quinoa with roasted asparagus on the side. All 4 of us were licking the plate, it was delicious and I actually felt full before I finished and gave my leftovers to Paul. I always clean my plate, and still feel hungry, but eating healthy fats and proteins (like salmon and quinoa) is more satisfying.
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