Thursday, June 16, 2011

Insanity Days 3&4

Day 3 of Insanity was the Cardio Power and Resistance which seemed to go by a lot quicker then the plyometrics. Lots of drills used full body strength, including this weird V-push up I wasn't feeling so I figured it was better to just drop into push ups on my knees because that was the only way I could keep going the entire minute. They keep saying on the DVD to always follow proper form, even over speed. Instead of doing half-assed reps as fast as I can I am doing each rep through the full motion but without resting and really pushing. I think its working! I feel tender and sore, but strong!

Today was Day 4, Cardio Recovery. Recovery? I think not!!! Holding deep squats and lunges for 30 seconds and then pulsing sounds easy, but it just really wasn't. I don't want it to be easy, but I couldn't do this at all! I just did my best and reminded myself that if I stick with it and "Dig Deep" as Shaun T says, in 60 days I'll see improvement. Today was a lot of deep and slow movements, paired with yoga style stretching. It felt really good, but I am ready to get back into some max interval training tomorrow!

Nutrition: I've been doing super good, eating high protein and healthy carbs throughout the day. I still need to get up earlier so my first solid meal is before noon. Salmon & asparagus for dinner tonight YUM.

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